Friday, 30 December 2011

0 2011 Volcanic Activity In Stunning Pictures

Out of an estimated 1,500 active volcanoes around the world, 50 or so erupt every year, spewing steam, ash, toxic gases, and lava. In 2011, active volcanoes included Chile's Puyehue, Japan's Shinmoedake, Indonesia's Lokon, Iceland's Grímsvötn, Italy's Etna, and recently Nyamulagira in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Hawaii, Kilauea continues to send lava flowing toward the sea, and the ocean floor has been erupting near the Canary Islands.

Collected below are scenes from the wide variety of volcanic activity on Earth over the past year.

A cloud of ash billowing from Puyehue volcano near Osorno in southern Chile, 870 km south of Santiago, on June 5, 2011. Puyehue volcano erupted for the first time in half a century on June 4, 2011, prompting evacuations as it sent up a cloud of ash that circled the globe. (Claudio Santana/AFP/Getty Images) 

Shinmoedake peak erupts between Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures, in this aerial view seen on January 28, 2011. Ash and rocks fell across a wide swath of southern Japan straddling the prefectures of Miyazaki and Kagoshima, as one of Mount Kirishima's many calderas erupted, prompting authorities to raise alert levels and call on for an evacuation of all residents within a 2 km (1.2 miles) radius of the volcano. (Reuters/Kyodo)  

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0 Internet Fandom Statistic

Twilight has fans more than population of Malaysia? I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Sigh...

If you wonder what is fandom - Fandom is the community that surrounds a tv show/movie/book etc. Fanfiction writers, artists, poets, and cosplayers are all members of that fandom. Fandoms often consist of message boards, livejournal communities, and people. Example - The Harry Potter fandom has some of the most diverse fans, from eight year olds to thirty somethings.

Source from Cheese Burger

0 Seiko Final Fantasy Limited Edition Watch

Both are inspired by Final Fantasy - The Spirit Within. Built by Seiko. Both are extremely cool and awesome. On the left is real functioning watch. Only limited number ever produced and all already sold. Each priced at USD200. On the right is much more intricate watch. But up until now is still a mere concept. 

Source from Gem Of The Day

0 North Korea Mourns Kim Jong Il Death

North Koreans have shown extraordinary displays of grief in the days since the death of their leader Kim Jong Il on December 17th. Dec 28, 2011 marked the start of a two day funeral ceremony, as thousands of North Koreans lined the snowy streets of Pyongyang to witness the procession of vehicles as it made its way to Kumsusan Memorial Palace. 

Official North Korean news sources have been declaring Kim Jong Un the "great successor," but questions about the transition and future governance of the volatile, secretive state continue to make foreign governments wary. South Korean intelligence recently indicated that North Korea has tightened security in cities, put troops on alert and won loyalty pledges from top generals after Kim's death as it consolidates power behind the anointed heir. 

Collected here are images, most of them official North Korean releases, of the public mourning in North Korea. 

The body of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il lies in state at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang, on December 26, 2011. (Reuters/KCNA)  

North Koreans make a call of condolence for deceased leader Kim Jong Il at the Kim Il Sung Plaza in Pyongyang in this picture released by the North's official KCNA news agency early December 21, 2011. (Reuters/KCNA) 

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0 Alice In Cool Waterland

What if Alice, after falling and falling inside the Rabbit hole, ended straight to the ocean? And what if the ocean surrounded a small island in the Bahamas? Although it may seem confusing, Elena Kalis imagined an underwater version of the classic Alice in Wonderland tale, only that this time it's Alice in… Waterland! 

Elena Kalis is a visual artist that was born in Russia and is specialized in underwater photography. She has been living for the last ten years in the Bahamas and for the new version of the story she chose her daughter as the perfect model. The results are some really fascinating photos that not only transmit all the surrealism and imagination of the original story, but take it a step forward. 

Between a mermaid and a survivor of a shipwreck, caught between fantasy and reality, the new Alice looks more beautiful than ever.

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0 Colour Photography From Before 1950

Who knew the world wasn't actually in black and white before 1945? Check out these beautiful examples of early color photography from as early as the 1930s.

I did read from somewhere else that before colour photography was inverted, photographer need to use multiple lens filter in order to get colour photos.

1915: Austro-Hungarian POWs In Russia - By Prokudin-Gorskii. 

1943: Rosie The Riveter - A worker operates a hand drill in Tennessee to apply rivets to an A-31 Vengeance dive bomber. By Alfred T. Palmer. 

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Thursday, 29 December 2011

0 Celebrities That Look Hotter With Age

As the time goes by these few celebrities looks better than when they started acting. When it comes to celebrities you would never think that the older they get the better they look. However, these pictures of some of the biggest stars prove that age has been very kind to them. Seems like the time can't hurt them. 

Jennifer Aniston 1990/2010

Teri Hatcher 1993/2009

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0 Traffic Jam Photography

It's notorious that traffic situation is disastrous in Moscow. So check out some photographs of traffic jams taken on the streets of the city.

To be honest, I kinda like traffic jam as it represent the city life. LOL...

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0 Amazing Photographs By Adam Dobrovits

Adam Dobrovits is a male photographer from Hungary.  His works are amazing.  He has the beautiful collection of nature photographs and macro photography. 

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0 Bloop Bloop Love - Movie

Hate when people fall asleep while watching a movie, also hate when I, myself fall asleep while watching a movie too. LOL...

Source from Jhall Deviantart

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

0 Inside The New Adidas HQ In Germany

Designers of the German architectural studio Kinzo completed work on the design of the new headquarters of the brand Adidas, based in Hertsogenaurahe, Germany. The 1,700 staff members moved into an amazing new work space that features intertwining glass walkways made to mimic the laces of a sneaker. Berlin design company Kinzo set out to create something that would reflect adidas inside and out.

The “Teamplayer” space is at the heart of the new design, supporting desktops, storage and creating a multifunctional room that looks like it’s zoned into honeycombs. In other words, the Kinzo design team have created a space within a space. It lets separate teams have a specific section, but not be completely cut off from the other groups working inside the “Teamplayer.”

The entire furniture system is designed specifically to meet the needs of the team, and work together as a system, rather than functioning as just individual pieces. German furniture specialist Planmöbel partnered with Kinzo to create environmentally friendly, functional furniture sealed with a monolithic surface and a powder-coated finish.

Super conducive environment. No reason for lack of productivity.

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0 Strange And Weird Wonderland

Dennis Ziliotto is a freelance photographer based in Monselice (Padova) in the north of Italy. His work is kind of bizarre and could make us ill-at-ease. However, his models and his techniques are beautiful.

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0 This Is Completely Insane Dude

While some people would find it unbearable to go anywhere near the edge of a cliff, these Chinese workers are building a 3ft-wide road made of wooden planks on the face of a mountain that's thousands of feet high. Once finished, it is hoped sightseers will flock to here to edge along and admire the views.

The 'road' - the width of a dinner table - they're assembling is on Shifou Mountain in Hunan Province and stands vertical at 90 degrees without any slopes or alcoves. What's more, these workers from China's eastern Jiangxi Province toil away on it with what appear to be few if any safety measures.

I always admire the Chinese, they can built anything out of nothing.

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0 Weird World Sex Record

From an 82-year-old prostitute to a 500 people orgy and the world's gang bang record, meet some of the weirdest sex world records you may not see in the Guinness Book.

World's Largest Penis – 13.5 in

The official rank of the largest penis belongs to a man measured and documented by Dr. Robert Dickinson in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This record-holding penis was 13.5 inches (34 cm) in length and 6.25 inches (16 cm) in circumference. But the living owner of the world's biggest human penis is Jonah Falcon. Falcon's 13-5 inch member has been measured for a TV special, making him one of the few guys who can back up his bodily boasts.

World's Largest Vagina – 19 in

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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

0 Heavy Machinery In Trouble

You might think by driving huge, heavy, enormous machine you'll be safe. But, physic never lied and the fact is the heavier they are, the harder they fall.

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0 Awesome And Weird Hotels Around The World

Fancy a unique vacation? Here's a list of some amazing themed hotels found on earth.

Arte Luis Knusthotel - Berlin, Germany. 

BubbleTree - France. 

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0 Inside Emirates Airbus A380 - 5 Star Flight

The Airbus A380 is a true wonder of modern engineering. It is the largest airliner ever made, with a carrying capability of up to 853 passengers. Being 50% wider than the Boeing 747, it's closest competitor, the Airbus A380 has truly surpassed all previous achievements of plane construction and interior design.

A380's level of comfort (well, at least for business-class passengers) is remarkable. The entire upper-deck is dedicated for premium passengers. All seats can be transformed into full-sized beds (190 cm in length) with a pillow and a mattress. Each passenger has his own mini-bar and a full-sized, bartender-serviced bar is available at the rear of the plane. And on top of all, there are two shower cabins available during flight.

Business and economy class passengers access the plane through different jet bridges and stay on separate floors during the entire flight.

On 1st January 2012, next week, Emirates will fly Airbus A380 from KL to Dubai and will be the first commercial A380 flight out of Malaysia. Meanwhile, Malaysia Airlines Airbus A380 is expected to arrive in second quarter of 2012. Looking forward for that also...

Giant of the sky

Top level of flight attendance

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0 Hipster To Hippie

6 steps guide from Hipster to become Hippie.

Source from Laughing Squid

0 Underwater Photography By Susanne Stemmer

Susanne Stemmer is a talented female photographer from Vienna, Austria. She do different kinds of photography specially underwater fashion, beauty, fashion and advertising. Underwater photography is amazing specially when you have a good camera. Everybody love this type of photography as in this technique it shows the photographers talent and also the model's capacity of standing still to provide the best close to the image. 

Here is an exquisite showcase of high quality sexy underwater fashion photography by Susanne Stemmer  for your inspiration.

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0 Indonesia Lifestyle In Photo By Nico Fredia

Nico Fredia is a photographer from Indonesia. Here are incredible conceptual photography featuring his country's richness through landscape and lifestyle.

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0 Bloop Bloop Love - Laptop

It's a good time to buy a smartphone maybe... LOL...

Source from Jhall Deviantart

0 Hot Sexy Female Celebrity Wallpapers

Wallpapers can be creative, inspiring and elegant. If you are looking to add some creativity and inspiration to your life, you probably need a desktop wallpaper that inspires you to create something creative and original. Do you have a boring desktop wallpaper? Are you tired of looking at the same, old desktop wallpaper? Well, here is the remedy. A massive showcase of hot, sexy and beautiful female celebrity wallpapers to spice that screen up. Hope you love all these beautiful girls.

What you think. Which one is your favorite?

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Monday, 26 December 2011

0 Biggest Movie Flops Of 2011

Many Hollywood studios will be all too happy to forget 2011, which witnessed a troubling dip in moviegoing for much of the year at the domestic box office. There were several high-profile flops that lost tens of millions, including "Mars Needs Moms" and "Cowboys & Aliens."

Studios split grosses with theater owners, so even if a movie makes as much as its production budget, its still in trouble, not to mention marketing costs. And, after several record-breaking years, the domestic box revenues are running 4 percent behind 2010 levels. 

Here's a glance at the movies largely rejected by audiences.

Mars Needs Moms - Studio: Disney - Release Date: March 11, 2011 - Budget: $150 million - Worldwide Gross: $39 million

Sucker Punch - Studio: Warner Bros. - Stars: Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens - Release Date: March 25, 2011 - Budget: $82 million - Worldwide gross: $89.8 million

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0 When Dad Goes On Vacation

You know how your dad goes on your family vacations and wears fanny packs and dad shorts, and does goofy poses with statues? It turns out everyone else's dad does that, too. Hilarious collection of the man whose we highly regard goes on vacation.

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0 iPhone Girls

Product promotion has taken a new dimension with Apple introducing iPhone for the mass. No doubt the fine communication device has already become a highlight product amongst one and all. The product's branding managers should however, gain cues from the enticing image series. The point and shoot feature of iPhone 4 is pretty unique and there certainly could be more takers if iPhone is promoted in the manner as depicted. 

However, there might be surge of such mirror point and shoot images on the Facebook profile pages too. The way it is depicted in the image might just make it a prime gadget among youth.

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0 Blonde Nurse Squad From Russia

The photographer tried to bring to life fantasies that usually occur in men's minds when they think about nurses… With slight erotic overtones and, most importantly, humour. Sexy blonde nurse squad from Russia.

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