Friday, 3 February 2012

0 Rose and Lotus Are Popular Flower Tattoos

Body art has been invogue for a long time. People have inked different designs on their body toshow their belief and have put forward a new identity for themselves. However,among the different designs flower tattoosare extremely popular with women. It is very uncommon to see flower designson men’s body. However, they may be a part of an elaborate design. Flowerdesigns have deep and powerful meanings. That is why you must choose yourtattoo design very carefully. 

Flowers indicate thecycle of life. It is essentially about growth and birth and our connection withthe entire universe. The designs show us the beauty of the flowers and thefleeting nature of it. If you choose to have a flower design inked on your bodyyou should find out its distinctive meanings. Some flowers signify purity whileothers might indicate love and passion. And, it is up to you to decide whichemotion or belief you want to show to the world. 

Among all the flower tattoos that you will comeacross, rose is by far the most common design that most young women choose.This flower represents love and passion in all its forms. However, it also hasa dark history. In the 16th century rose was inked on people whowere sentenced to death. And, if by chance that individual manages to escapethen he would be eternally marked with a rose. 

Then again, in the Eastthe lotus flower depicts the emotion of love and passion. It is also the symbolfor peace and wealth. You can also choose to go for a lily, which inChristianity indicates religious beliefs and purity. However, in Greece it isassociated with fertility and love. These flowers were considered sacred fromancient times. 

You can consider ofinking these wonderful designs on your arm, as it will show properly. These arm tattoos will surely help you to getmany appreciative glances. All you have to do is select a suitable flowerdesign and find a professional tattoo artist who will ink the design you havechosen for yourself.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

0 Creative And Funny Toilet Signs

Male and females are represented differently all across the world. One of the proofs for this statement is the diverse representations of toilet signs in different corners of the globe. While some tried to make the signs as obvious as they can get, others went out of their way to be creative.

Here are some of the wackiest, funniest or oddest men and women toilet signs.

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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

0 Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

0 Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

Tattoos Designs for Men

0 Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

Wiz Khalifa Tattoos

0 Tattoo






























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